A Typical Day
While we like to change it up a little each day, we certainly have our routines at camp. This helps everyone settle in and lets anxious campers know what to expect next. The guide on this page gives you a little glimpse into what our days are like. Keep in mind that activities are listed in broad categories and are appropriately aged up or down, depending on the ability level of the participants.

Rise and Shine!
Campers wake up around 7:00 to get ready for the day in their cabin. (Adult counselors are already up and ready to go.) Breakfast is served in the Dining Hall, or in their village for rustic camps. Next comes field games with CCC interns, followed by a prayer practice and morning lesson. Then campers head to "family groups" to share in their small group Bible study for the day. Family groups often bond quickly and Bible study takes many forms, including games with a purpose, skits, sharing, and more. A break before lunch (with time for a quick Gaga Ball match or other downtime activities) rounds out the morning.
After lunch, most camps head to FOB (Feet on Bunk) where we have a quiet hour. Campers can use the hour to write a letter home, read their Bible or a favorite book, sleep, or any other quiet activity. After this comes Free Time with access to the pool lake, mini golf, game room, snacks and more. Late afternoon is usually taken up by creative and challenge activities like arts and crafts and fishing/boating or nature hikes. Older campers often work on a service project at this time or take part in an "interest group" where they can develop a new skill like photography or carpentry.
Evening Programs
After supper it's time for some serious fun! This block of time usually serves as our "big game" time. Past favorites for younger campers include a carnival night, outdoor movie, and a night swim. Older campers love square dancing, giant sized game night, and talent (or un-talent) shows. Every camp ends their day with worship either in one of our chapels or around the campfire where they are reminded of the powerful purpose behind our camps.
Good Night
Campers end their days with time to get cleaned up as well as cabin devotionals and debriefing time in their rooms. Then it's off to sleep to prepare for another full day at camp!